Thursday, 26 May 2016

Unveiling the word with Pastor Matsiri Tony Mailula

The three dimensions of the Holy Spirit explained

There is a question that is frequently asked by those who still want to know more about those who call themselves ‘born again’ and attend other churches. The question is, “why do Christians from other churches only pray to Jesus Christ and ignore God?’ Their logic is that the Lord is the Father and Jesus is the Son. So believers, the skeptics opine, ought to pray to the Father before they can do so to the Son, isn’t? They ask.

Pastor Mailula maintains that the new era for Christianity is here now, the era in which mankind and Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit.  God, in the book of Genesis, says ‘I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’. There has always been a body made up of three whenever God wanted to liaise with the people on earth.

But in John 1:1 God says the word is now in flesh. “This has to be,” says Mailula. God has to reache out to His people and the direct, easier way has to be in flesh so that mankind can understand Him. When Jesus left the world in flesh He promised that He will ‘leave you with the comforter’.  This Mailula, points out, meant He was leaving the world with the Holy Spirit. The first part of the dimension is God, the second Jesus and the third the Holy Spirit, which is in operation now.  Mailula says there is an assurance of possessions; you do not have to own anything now as the Holy Spirit is with you as far as your eyes can see. “You have everything already.”

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